Attention Map Image

Record Your Website Visitor’s Screen and Implement Statistical Heat Maps For Amazing Insights on Client Behavior


To Record Video of Website Visitors Interacting With Your Webpages, Implement Heat Maps, A/B Test Webpages, Funnel Tracking, & More

Use this amazing cloud software to record your website visitors and see how they interact with your webpages. Heat maps are also included in the software to gain an overall statistical analysis of pages. If you ever wondered how individual users browse your blogs and website, now you have the capability to see them with Zoho PageSense. Whether your users view your website on desktop or mobile you can record individual web sessions to review later.

This is a new and amazingly powerful way to gain insights into the effectiveness of your ads, SEO, content, calls to action, etc. You could only guess what people were doing on your webpages before, with simple information like page views and clicks, but now you have an actual real time video of someone’s screen as they browse your website and menus. See where their mouse cursor is pointing, when they click on anything, and track their entire journey across multiple pages and websites.

Pricing and Packages for Zoho PageSense

A)  Zoho PageSense - Standalone Pricing:
3 Projects:
  • $17/month - 10,000 Visitors
  • $29/month - 20,000 Visitors
  • $49/month - 30,000 Visitors
5 Projects:
  • $79/month - 50,000 Visitors
  • $119/month - 100,000 Visitors
  • $209/month - 200,000 Visitors
  • $299/month - 300,000 Visitors
25 Projects:
  • $419/month - 500,000 Visitors
  • $599/month - 1,000,000 Visitors

1 Million+ Visitors Each Month? Contact Us

B)  Zoho One - All 40+ Zoho Business Cloud Applications, Including Zoho PageSense:
  • $37/mo/user - All employees must have an account for this price

  • $90/mo/user - For any number of users

All Applications Are Set At Enterprise Tier Features


Get an instant quote for your company size

A)  Zoho PageSense - Standalone Pricing:
3 Projects:
  • $17/month - 10,000 Visitors
  • $29/month - 20,000 Visitors
  • $49/month - 30,000 Visitors
5 Projects:
  • $79/month - 50,000 Visitors
  • $119/month - 100,000 Visitors
  • $209/month - 200,000 Visitors
  • $299/month - 300,000 Visitors
25 Projects:
  • $419/month - 500,000 Visitors
  • $599/month - 1,000,000 Visitors

1 Million+ Visitors Each Month? Contact Us

B)  Zoho One - All 40+ Zoho Business Cloud Applications, Including Zoho Meeting:
  • $30/mo/user - All employees must have an account for this price
  • $75/mo/user - For any number of users

All Applications Come At Enterprise Tier


Record Website Visitor's Screen on Mobile or Desktop

Website visitor session recording is a powerful feature of Zoho PageSense that lets you get a never before seen look at how your clients interact with your websites. By inserting a small amount of code to your website you can start tracking behaviors instantly and building up a list of recorded sessions to inspect.

Check out these example videos below of people browsing our website. We hope these few example videos will give you a general idea of what the session recording feature is like using Zoho PageSense.

If you have a blog or ecommerce site this tool can really be useful to nail down behaviors for specific products or services. Track what people are reading, where they are skipping, and how they spend their time on your site.

Besides the information on the page itself, your website has menus, forms, chat boxes, and other widgets that may not be a part of any one page itself. With the session recordings you can see it all as part of the video. Chat boxes pop up in the video showing the conversations, and when a visitor goes to view the menus you can see exactly how they navigate your menu by tracking their mouse cursor. This allows you to troubleshoot and improve not just your content but the entire user experience on your website!

Each recording timeline has indicator markers to show when the website visitor viewed dirent pages, clicked on anything, or reached one of your target goals. As the recording progresses and plays through, the different points on the timeline light up on the right "Session Details" panel.


If you want to skip ahead to any of the events of this panel you can just click on it and the video will fast forward to that spot in the timeline. There is also a filter button to filter the various events that are logged in a session, so you can focus in on the ones you need for your project.

All recorded sessions can be viewed in real time. However, with so many session and so little time to view them all the "Skip Pauses" button is a great tool.

By clicking this button and then playing the recording all delays in movement, either scrolling, clicking, or moving the mouse are removed. 

The effect as seen the the YouTube Video examples above is it looks like the client is continuously engaging in your content. This makes it harder to get a real sense of where the client is reading or taking their time to absorb information, but it's great for getting through multiple recordings quickly.

There is also an option to playback the recordings at variable speeds: 0.5x, 0.75x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, and 2x normal speed. These variable speed options can be used either with or without the "Skip Pauses" option enabled.


Mobile website sessions are also recorded and shown in the user's resolution on their screen. 

When a user resizes their web browser, zooming in or out, you can also see it happen live as the user adjusts their browser settings.

Each project has a list of recordings that you can view and inspect at any time.

You can also delete any of the recorded sessions using the icon on the right.

This list shows all the recorded sessions for the pages in your project.

It can identify certain non-personal information and display it here, such as their device, operating system, and browser.

Their country is also shown as well as the time of the session recording.


Configuring the project is simple, just choose the website domain you want to monitor, and the number of recordings you want to save for this project.

Determine your audience segmentation if applicable, set privacy filters for parts of your webpage you do not want recorded, then just start the project!

Your pricing plan will determine what you can do here in the setup phase.


Heat Maps, Attention Maps, & Scroll Maps

At this point in the article you may be thinking, "If you have session recordings why would you need heatmaps?" Where session recordings are new and perfect for reviewing individual web sessions, heatmaps, attention maps, and scroll maps offer a larger statistical view of your overall web audience and their behavior. Use this overlay mapping technology to check the performance of blogs, shops, forms, and more.


By combining all the viewers in the project on one overlay map, general trends and behaviors emerge.

You may think users are engaging with your website and content in a certain way, but you can easily find otherwise using this website heat map software.

By visualizing the data on top of your existing website you can highlight individual elements for inspection to see how users are engaging with them.

Check your Calls To Action, menus, widgets, links, and page content using heatmaps.


Use heat mapping and click mapping to show what clients are interested in.

You can see clients browsing the example blog are interested in the Standard Pricing package and tried to click it for more information, however, there is no link available for them to click on there.

This may be an indication of many things, for example:

  •  The audience is mainly interested in the cheaper pricing option for Zoho CRM, some others are interested in the Enterprise edition, while few are interested in the middle pricing packages.
  • You can add a link there for people to click and find more information on the Zoho CRM standard edition, as they are clicking on a place that has no link.
  • You can run paid ads to target people interested in Zoho CRM standard edition using this blog as a landing page for that audience segment.

The Attention Map shows you the average time spent on each section of your page.

The Attention Map shows you the "Average Fold" line, and how far down the page your visitors have scrolled.

You can move your mouse cursor anywhere on the page for a precise percentage to show in the middle box.


The Scroll Map shows you the "Average Fold" line, and how far down the page your visitors have scrolled.

There are convenient lines placed on the page to show the percentage of viewers that reached that point.

Generally speaking, everyone sees the top of the page that visits the page so you should have 100% viewing above the fold. From there however, it can only go down as not everyone scrolls down after loading the page.

Cross Domain Tracking for Website Visitors

If you have a business with multiple websites or domain names you can track your customer's journey through all of them as one session. Some businesses have more than one website, or use a shopping cart checkout website that is different than their main website. With cross-domain tracking enabled you can record each session as one user across all your domains.


A/B Testing for Webpages

Setup A/B testing for slight changes to your website. Use the built-in editor to help easily change a word or a color on your website. For bigger changes you can do split testing on different web URLs entirely, sending visitors to different pages as a test.

Zoho PageSense Integrations

Integrate Zoho PageSense with Google Analytics, google AdWords, and Google Tag Manager to share your data and gain a deeper understanding.
And use other integrations such as Zoho SalesIQ and more third party apps.

Google Analytics Integration with Zoho PageSense
Google AdWords Integration with Zoho PageSense
Google Tag Manager Integration with Zoho PageSense

Segment Audiences, Set Goals, Make Funnels, and Run Analysis Reports

Use the built-in smart audience segmentation filters, or make your own using the advanced tab. Zoho PageSense is always tracking your website visitors based on your original experiments and settings during creation. You can filter some of the data into various segments to try and learn more about your website visitors and how they interact with your site. As you can see in the lists below you can track a wide variety of activities and generalized information about your visitors.
Smart Audience Segmentation
Advanced Audience Segmentation

Setup predefined goals that you wish your website visitors to achieve. This can be reaching a certain page or signing up on a webform for example. Visualize your goal using a funnel chart to see how far along your visitors make it. If you have any webforms where website visitors can submit information, you can track how they interact with your form and the submission statistics involved.

Goals in salesiq with a pagesense integration
webpage funnel analysis to Track visitors
webform interaction and submission analysis

Additional Notes on Zoho PageSense

  •  Session recording only captures anonymized data; emails and names are not recorded.
  • Zoho PageSense is GDPR-compliant. Session recording does not capture any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as usernames and passwords.

Burkhardt & Company specializes in helping businesses setup enterprise resource planning software including Zoho PageSense.

As you can see this screen recording and heat map cloud software can be very powerful for your business. When combined into a larger business process and ERP system, the automation capabilities offered by the Zoho One package when properly setup are immense. Contact us now or book a free consultation or Zoho demonstration appointment to see how we can help your business.

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Zoho One


Replace your existing mix of software with one operating system for your business. By having 40+ integrated business apps on one native platform you can tear down your department silos and start to work as one connected company.

"All User Pricing"
$37/ month per user
Must purchase a license for all employees.
"Flexible User Pricing"
$90/ month per user

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