Complete Projects and Sprints Faster.
Why Should I Use Projects?
Using cloud software like Projects can help to efficiently and effectively manage any size project and keep track of everyday business tasks. Make the software work for you with the ability to customize business milestones and enabling a continuous workflow for workers by assigning roles, defining responsibilities, and backlogging tasks and subtasks. Analyze the effectiveness of each employee by tracking their work in real time and comparing their statistics such as tasks completed, timesheets, and how they contribute to team discussions. Make accounting easy with project budgets where you can record your related financial activities including customer invoices, billable employee hours, price and quantity of inventory, taxes, and any additional expenses. Collaboration has never been easier with built-in calendars, forums, live activity feed, custom pages, built-in chat for users, and a mobile application so you can collaborate form anywhere.
With our project management application, you can do it all! Create milestones, task lists, assign subtasks, and breakdown your complicated project into workable pieces. Invite anyone to participate or observe your projects including employees, third-party vendors, outside consultants, and even clients whose projects you are working on. After the planning phase, go into coordinator mode and stay up to date with the project feed, timesheets for billable and non-billable hours, and analytical reporting tools. Log bugs and issues that arise in your project, track, and correct them. Store every event and task that occurred during your project, start unlimited new projects, and have projects run simultaneously.
A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule or lifecycle. This chart lists the tasks to be performed on the vertical axis and time intervals on the horizontal axis. The width of the horizontal bars in the graph display the duration of each activity. Gantt charts depict the start and end dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project in an elegant and valuable way.
Start Your Free Trial Instantly
Get your hands on the same features included in the paid versions and see how amazing this project management cloud software really is! Start a test project or enter in your existing project details to see how Zoho Projects can handle it.
Zoho Projects is also part of the Zoho One package of 40+ apps and can be accessed through the Zoho One trial.
What Is a Sprint and How Does It Work?
A sprint is the basic unit of development for a project and a serious of developmental sprints are used to complete projects. Each sprint is intended to produce a functioning section of the overall project. With our Sprints application, your team can finish projects faster using an agile and straightforward development process. Our Sprints application is more agile when compared to our Projects application because it's simpler to use and focuses mainly on the Scrum board layout, perfect for smaller projects.
With Sprints you can quickly get your team working on your next project without worrying about a complicated user interface or too many features.
Using a cloud-based application to manage your project has countless benefits. All managers and workers can stay up to date on your live project management system from any location and can even work on mobile devices. Handily keep track of all projects, sprints, tasks, work hours, and notes. Monitor project details through your dashboard charts and keep an eye on the live feed tracking all entries and updates users make in the Sprints system. Compare your expected progress versus your actual progress via tasks & sub-tasks completed, sprints completed, issues that arise, bugs that are fixed, and more. If that wasn’t enough, you can also generate analytical reports about your project's progress including burn down reports, velocity charts, and cumulative flow diagrams. Using a business application to complete projects saves time and money while improving accountability and overall business processes.
With our project management application, you can do it all! Create milestones, task lists, assign subtasks, and breakdown your complicated project into workable pieces. Invite anyone to participate or observe your projects including employees, third-party vendors, outside consultants, and even clients whose projects you are working on. After the planning phase, go into coordinator mode and stay up to date with the project feed, timesheets for billable and non-billable hours, and analytical reporting tools. Log bugs and issues that arise in your project, track, and correct them. Store every event and task that occurred during your project, start unlimited new projects, and have projects run simultaneously.
A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule or lifecycle. This chart lists the tasks to be performed on the vertical axis and time intervals on the horizontal axis. The width of the horizontal bars in the graph display the duration of each activity. Gantt charts depict the start and end dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project in an elegant and valuable way.
Start Your Free Trial Instantly
Get your hands on the same features included in the paid versions and see how amazing this agile project management cloud software really is! Start a test sprint or enter in your existing project details to see how Zoho Sprints can handle it.
Zoho Sprints is also part of the Zoho One package of 40+ apps.
This free trial of Zoho One includes access to Zoho Sprints.